• + 44 (0) 1709 880 550
CE Approved

Product Data

A variety of fittings are available for the DST520 system and your tie bar requirements.
All fittings and components are designed to exceed the load capacity of the bar.

These details are also available as a 2D or 3D download.

Table 1  - Fork & Spade Fittings

Fork Spade Diagram


  Name M12 M16 M20 M24 M30 M36 M42 M48 M56 M64 M76 M85 M90 M100
Yield load
(design load)
kN 30/44 82 127 184 292 425 583 766 1056 1392 1999 2545 2879 3605
Fork length LF 90 112 132 155 189 217 243 266 313 348 420 498 498 575
Spade length LS 90 112 132 155 189 217 243 266 313 373 445 523 523 600  
Diameter W1 18 22 29 35 43 52 60 68 80 91 108 129 129 143
Thickness W2 24 28 35 42 52 62 74 84 95 120 148 170 170 181
Jaw gap (fork)
± 2mm
T2 14 16 19 24 30 36 39 44 49 59 76 86 86 91
Spade thickness T1 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 55 70 80 80 85
Width D1 32 43 51 62 79 93 107 121 145 167 199 246 246 287
Pin hole diameter D2 13 17 21 25 31 37 43 50 58 66 78 96 96 111
Projection L1 21 27 33 41 52 61 69 78 96 110 131 161 161 188
Jaw depth (fork) L2 25 30 42 50 59 70 78 87 105 120 141 171 171 197

Table 2 - Lockcovers, Turnbuckles & Pins

Lock Covers

  Name M12 M16 M20 M24 M30 M36 M42 M48 M56 M64 M76 M85 M90 M100
Pin Diameter D3 12 16 20 24 30 36 42 48 56 64 76 94 94 109
Pin body length W2 24 28 36 43 53 65 75 86 96 121 153 173 173 183
End cap diameter D4 20 25 32 35 50 55 60 60 70 86 100 120 120 140
End cap thickness C 3 5 6 6 10 10 12 12 12 14 15 20 20 20
Lockcover diameter W1 18 22 29 35 43 52 60 68 80 91 108 129 129 143
Fork lockcover length L5 25 26 40 45 50 55 60 60 75 85 91 126 126 134
Turnbuckle lockcover length L6 30 33 78 84 87 93 102 105 106 112 118 153 153 160
Coupler length L3 37 45 53 64 75 89 100 115 135 145 165 195 195 215
Coupler/turnbuckle diameter W1 18 22 29 35 43 52 60 68 80 91 108 129 129 143
Turnbuckle length L4 70 85 144 155 170 180 195 210 230 240 268 290 290 315

Table 3 - Centre Discs

Bar Disk

  Name M12 M16 M20 M24 M30 M36 M42 M48 M56
Thickness T1 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Overall diameter OD 145 185 245 285 350 420 490 560 660
Centre hole ID 50 60 70 90 100 120 140 160 200
Pin hole diameter D2 13 17 21 25 31 37 43 49 57
PCD   110 140 180 210 260 310 360 410 480
Plate to BS EN 10025   S355 S355 S355 S355 S355 S355 S355 S355 S355
Stainless Plate to EN 10083   1.4462 1.4462 1.4462 1.4462 1.4462 1.4462 1.4462 1.4462 1.4462

When detailing centre discs - Ensure that thers is sufficient clearance within the Fork 'T2'  for Painting/Galvanising to both the Fork and the Centre Disc.

Table 4 - Connection Plates

Bar Plate

  Name M12 M16 M20 M24 M30 M36 M42 M48 M56 M64 M76 M90 M100
Thickness T1 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 55 70 80 85
Pin hole diameter D2 13 17 21 25 31 37 43 49 57 65 78 96 111
  L1 21 27 33 41 52 61 69 78 96 110 131 161 188
  L3 32 38 52 62 74 87 97 107 125 140 161 196 222
Plate to BS EN 10025   S355 S355 S355 S355 S355 S355 S355 S355 S355 S355 S355 S355 S355
Stainless Plate to
EN 10083
  1.4462 1.4462 1.4462 1.4462 1.4462 1.4462 1.4462 1.4462 1.4462 1.4462 1.4462 1.4462 1.4462

When detailing Connection Plates - Ensure that thers is sufficient clearance within the Fork 'T2'  for Painting/Galvanising to both the Fork and the Connection Plate.

Alternative Tendon Arrangements:-

These are our standard range of fittings. 

We can manufacture special central and end connection details to your specific design and construction requirements. 

For example : special machined forks, spade end couplings, special pins, plate connections, cross couplers and fabricated brackets.

Please contact us to discuss your specific requirements.